Do Beneficiaries Have Rights in Ontario?
Strictly speaking, beneficiaries of a deceased’s estate do not have “rights” per se. Beneficiaries are not entitled to do any of the things that an Executor or Estate Trustee is obligated to do. Beneficiaries are, however, entitled to an accounting...

Show me the Money! A Beneficiary’s Guide to a Passing of Accounts
Are you concerned about how an estate trustee is managing the estate or trust of a loved one? You may be able to compel an accounting detailing the administration of that estate or trust by making an application to the...

Using Video Conference to Witness Wills and Powers of Attorney
Until April 7, 2020, all non-handwritten Wills required two witnesses to be physically present in the same room as the will-maker to sign the Will. Failure to comply with this requirement would render the Will invalid. It is of no...