Are You Ready for Ontario’s Transparency Register? Here’s What You Need to Know
As a private corporation incorporated in Ontario under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), it's important to be aware of the new transparency register requirements that came into effect on January 1, 2023. These requirements mandate that private corporations maintain a...

Ontario Court decides Oral Agreements of Purchase and Sale for Real Estate can be Enforceable
Ontario Court decides Oral Agreements of Purchase and Sale for Real Estate can be Enforceable By: Matthew Reardon, Merovitz Potechin LLP If you are a landowner undertaking negotiations with a would-be purchaser with respect to the sale of...

Assignment of Residential Real Estate Transactions – Part 1 of 3 (Series)
Ontario’s housing market has fluctuated wildly over the past 18 months. Availability of low residential mortgage rates during the early days of the COVID pandemic fueled record-setting home sales and frequent bidding wars. As mortgage rates have risen, vendors and...

Bram Potechin, Recipient of the 2020 OBA Award of Excellence
Merovitz Potechin LLP is proud to announce that Bram Potechin is the 2020 recipient of the Ontario Bar Association Award of Excellence in Real Estate. The Award of Excellence in Real Estate was created to recognize exceptional contributions and achievements...

UPDATE: Special Government Initiatives to Assist Canadian Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
Over the recent weeks, there has been a panoply of government programs and special measures aimed at providing assistance to businesses and not-for-profit organizations that are facing growing hardship and challenges during COVID-19. While it may not be exhaustive of...

Regulatory changes for Ontario’s construction and environmental sectors
Ontario generates roughly 25 million cubic meters of excess construction soil, adding upwards of 14% to construction costs. For years, we have been expecting excess soil regulations from the province. Late last year, those regulations were finally filed. On July 1, 2020,...