Using Video Conference to Witness Wills and Powers of Attorney
Until April 7, 2020, all non-handwritten Wills required two witnesses to be physically present in the same room as the will-maker to sign the Will. Failure to comply with this requirement would render the Will invalid. It is of no...

Can Children Challenge a Will on Fairness in Ontario?
Most provinces, including Ontario, will not allow non-dependent adult children to challenge a will on the basis of fairness. However, section 60 of British Columbia’s Wills, Estates and Succession Act, S.B.C. 2009, c. 13, states that if a will-maker dies leaving...

Introducing Medical Records in a Will Challenge
Can you use medical records to prove that a family member lacked mental capacity when they made their Will? In cases where a Will is being challenged on the basis that the will-maker lacked capacity, litigants will frequently attempt to...