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    Creating a Will for Young Families

    Wills for young families

    Creating a will is a smart way for young parents to secure their estate in case of unforeseen events. Estate planning is not simply something that should be done once you are retired or your kids have moved out of the house. Since a will can be updated throughout one’s life, it is a useful estate planning tool to have on hand once you start to have children and acquire assets. Let’s take a look at three reasons why will creation is an important step for young families in Ontario.  

    Starting the estate planning process early 

    Creating a will is the first step in deciding what is important to you and how you want your estate managed. While providing for children is always one of the key pillars of will creation, the process also includes making decisions on family businesses, real estate, including cottages, providing for future educational pursuits, and managing your legacy.  

    Starting the estate planning process when your family is young not only helps  provide peace of mind, it also helps young families with  putting some thought into which assets matter the most and how they would want them distributed on death. 

    When creating a will, you will be tasked with choosing an executor for your estate. This person will be responsible for administering the estate once you pass on. They will also have access to your  assets in order to distribute them according to your instructions.  

    Family conflict can often arise when a loved one dies unexpectedly without a will. It is therefore  important to start the estate planning process early to provide a clear and well-thought out plan for your families’ assets.  

    Creating guardianship 

    For young families that have children, appointing temporary guardians in case of the unexpected is an important decision that requires careful thought and planning. Since guardians can have responsibilities towards your children until they turn 18 years, it is essential to choose the right people and discuss with them your wishes. It is also advisable to discuss with them whether they want to assume these duties should the situation arise.  

    When choosing a temporary guardian for your children, consideration must be given to  schooling, health, family values and how you forseee your children’s lives should you not be there to care for them.  

    Updating your will 

    Creating your will when your family is young is essential to protect your children and assets. However, wills are not set in stone and you can always make changes. Updating your will is a process that can be done with your estate planning lawyer and is a common process  among young families as the family grows and assets and  needs change throughout their lives.  

    If you have any questions about estate planning, preparing or updating a will in Ontario, please contact our wills and estates lawyers at Merovitz Potechin LLP.

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    Posted By: Merovitz Potechin

    Merovitz Potechin LLP has been serving the business and personal needs of the Ottawa area since 1976. Our lawyers will work directly with you throughout your legal matter.

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