Cities with pricey real estate have more illegal rental suites
Many people rent out part of their home as a way of paying for the many costs associated with home ownership. However, according to a survey of homeowners in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario, up to 17 percent of these...
Condo Authority of Ontario – Services, Fees and Implementation
Almost two years ago, the Protecting Condominium Owners Act, 2015 was passed by the Ontario legislature. This legislation enabled the creation of two new condominium administrative authorities: The Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario and the Condominium Authority of Ontario...
New tribunals help condo dwellers settle real estate disputes
Condo boards can be an enormous asset or challenge for condo dwellers. Ontario lawmakers are seeking to improve the quality of condo boards by requiring those who sit on their building's board to be trained in the management and operation...
Leasing real estate: Are you ready to be a landlord?
Owning a rental property in Ottawa can be a lucrative investment. However, becoming the owner of a rental property also involves a broad range of responsibilities. Those considering becoming a landlord should have a few resources in place before beginning...
Proposed real estate law changes may stop double ending
In Ontario, it is not uncommon to find that the same real estate agent represent both the buyer as well as the owner of a property. This is called double ending and requires both the buyer and seller to agree...
Real estate: Ontario court rules neighbours share maple tree
Neighbours in Ontario can live in peace and harmony for many years -- until one decides to cut down a tree that is shared by both. Real estate issues such as this can lead to costly litigation and, along with...