Gratuitous Gifts – Was It a Gift? – Part 2 of 2
In my previous post I wrote about gratuitous gifts and how the Pecore principle has been expanded by the Courts to include transfer between unrelated parties. Today's post will delve deeper into the intricacies of a recent decision from the...

Do Beneficiaries Have Rights in Ontario?
Strictly speaking, beneficiaries of a deceased’s estate do not have “rights” per se. Beneficiaries are not entitled to do any of the things that an Executor or Estate Trustee is obligated to do. Beneficiaries are, however, entitled to an accounting...

What can you do when your loved one doesn’t provide for you in their Will?
Did you know that, in certain circumstances, if your loved one doesn’t provide for you in their Will, you can make what is called a “Dependant Support Claim” against their estate? This is an exception to what is known as...